Saturday, January 8, 2011

Have You Ever Tried...

sleeping without a top/flat sheet on your bed?
Where is it written that we need to have a top sheet under our comforter? I guess I'm not one to think outside the box, or maybe I'm a conformist, but I've always slept with said top sheet. Then one day I read an email from my brother who is currently living in Germany, and he mentioned that one of his favorite things about living in Europe is that no one sleeps with a top sheet on their bed. Then my dad mentioned that when he lived in Denmark, the "no top sheet" idea was also one of HIS favorite things. What an interesting concept! All those times of waking up in the middle of the night because I'm all tangled in my sheets or because all my bedding is falling completely off the bed, could have been solved simply by removing my top sheet. Why didn't I think of that?! Well I tried it, and simply put, it's amazing. No more getting tangled in my sheets and I actually prefer the feel of the underside of my comforter vs the sheet I used to sleep under. Not to mention, it speeds up the process of making your bed in the morning.