Friday, July 17, 2009

How's This For Excitement?!

My roommates and I had a wonderful night of festivities seeing as it is our last weekend together and we are extremely depressed about it. We went and got pizza, ate it out on the front lawn while we listened to music. We came inside, had a dance party, which led to a water fight, played some guitar hero and then ended with learning how to do the hoe down throw down. We then pulled our mattresses out to the living room for our mattress party. Susan decided to play guitar hero while we waited for everyone to get ready to watch the movie and I was sitting on my mattress getting my homework situated. Our door was wide open because it was so bloody hot...all of a sudden there was a commotion outside our apartment. We didn't think anything of it cuz there's always something going on outside but then all of a sudden there was a commotion INSIDE our apartment as a chicken and a bird got chucked into our living room. I'm talking a LIVE chicken and a LIVE bird. The chicken landed on laura's bed and then moved to the kitchen while the bird remained perched on the kitchen counter the entire time. The group of people that threw the birds in to our room, then went and closed our door and proceeded to hold it shut so we couldn't even get out. I continued to scream, and Susan yelled, "What the Hell?!!!!", while chelsea and laura stayed in the back. All I can say is bird flu anyone?