Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm All Smiles

Cuz music has that effect on me. That's right. Another music post.
Safetysuit, which is one of my favorite, if not THE favorite of the lesser known bands I listen to, just released a new single and that's right, I'm all smiles because of it. Their sound, probably classifiable as rock/pop, is not really the type of music I'm in to at the moment. I've recently found myself enjoying more of the folk and independent singer/songwriter stuff, but despite that, I will always love Safetysuit. Mainly because of their music, but partially because of who they are as people and as a band. They seem like genuinely good people. Obviously I don't know that for a fact, but when you watch all their interviews and random homemade videos, you do get a feel for 'em, so unless they're really good at pretending to be nice, decent, fun, chill guys, they must actually be that way. Anyway here's their new single. Check it out.

Complete with lyrics and all :)

And here's a little interview regarding the album, followed by an acoustic version of their single, which is of course, just as brilliant as the full studio version.

And here are a couple random videos they've recorded that showcase their personalities.

Doug In the Studio (Guitar and Lead Vocals)

Jeremy Fixes His Amp (Bassist)

Dave Instructs the Class (Lead Guitar)

Tomfoolery with Tate (Drums)

In the Studio With Chico (Manager)

And One of My All Time Favorites: Christmas Onezies With J and Chico

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