Monday, February 14, 2011

Alice Cooper on Anne of Avonlea

Have any of my fellow Anne of Green Gables lovers ever noticed that in the second movie, (whether you call it Anne of Avonlea, or Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel) there's a part near the beginning where the camera pans over a field heading to the schoolhouse and you see some children running through a field and they're singing/chanting this song. They say, "No more teachers, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks." I noticed some time ago how similar that is to Alice Cooper's song "School's Out" in which it says, "No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks." Quite similar, eh? I wonder if the director or producer of the Anne movies is a big Alice Cooper fan and threw it in there just for the heck of it. Or maybe there's some history behind it that I don't know about, and it's actually something children from the early 1900s legitimately said on their last day of school. Or maybe it's a complete coincidence. Either way, I decided to blog about it today.


Becky Dayton said...

I love that you made that connection. That's hilarious! I love Gilbert.

rebecca said...

so i just looked at your about me page.... when you move here lets chat about screen printing. i may have some equipment you can use :)