Thursday, November 11, 2010

Limiting Characters Limits My Thoughts

I hate how everyplace online has a character limit. Twitter has a 140 character limit. How am I supposed to say what I need to say in 140 characters?! Especially when I don't know all the twitter, text abbreviation lingo. It really is an art. I'll spend 20 minutes trying to think of an abbreviated way to say what I need to say and it usually ends up looking something like this, "thats gr8 howbout u&i 2nite@DLX..." blah blah blah. Ok, that's not a great example, that's easy enough to understand, but you should see some of the things these people come up with. I want to say what I want to say when I want to say it without trying to figure out how to make it less than 140 characters. On a similar note, I hate having to concentrate so hard when reading what OTHER people have to say. Even then, sometimes I'm like "What does that even mean?" I think I need the gift of tongues to get the hang of it...hopefully it will come soon.